Nov. 30, 2021

EP. 212 Easy Meal Prep Ideas for Outdoor Adventurers, Kayak Fishing, and More With Dawn Pitillo

EP. 212 Easy Meal Prep Ideas for Outdoor Adventurers, Kayak Fishing, and More With Dawn Pitillo

Dawn Pitillo and family are all about the outdoors and fishing adventures- be it fishing from a kayak, a pier, or wherever they can wet a line. In fact, as we have our conversation Dawn and family are getting set up to do some pier fishing in Myrtle Beach, SC with plans for chasing sharks later in the evening.

Dawn Pitillo and family are all about the outdoors and fishing adventures- be it fishing from a kayak, a pier, or wherever they can wet a line. In fact, as we have our conversation Dawn and family are getting set up to do some pier fishing in Myrtle Beach, SC with plans for chasing sharks later in the evening.

We talk about this and the fact that Dawn has been on a weight-loss journey. How does she prepare for these types of outings in order to eat clean when in the outdoors? You'll get the answer to that as well as some great tips that you can apply to your next adventure!


Check out the Turkey Dinner in a Bag Recipe here!

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