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April 11, 2023

EP. 284 Made for Women by Women, Meet Zip Hers

EP. 284 Made for Women by Women, Meet Zip Hers

Imagine training for months, maybe years, to achieve your best time in a marathon, only to be hit with the urge to answer nature's call halfway through. You wait in line for the next available porta-can as runner after runner passes you by.

Imagine training for months, maybe years, to achieve your best time in a marathon, only to be hit with the urge to answer nature's call halfway through. You wait in line for the next available porta-can as runner after runner passes you by.

An experience similar to this was just a seed for a product revolutionizing how women experience outdoor adventures.

Hear the full story on this week's episode, and prepare to feel empowered!

Mentioned in this Episode:

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