EP. 315 Fresh Content Alert: Get Ready for the 2024 Season of The Woman Angler & Adventurer

Hey everyone, I'm thrilled to be back and kicking off the 2024 season of The Woman Angler & Adventurer podcast!
Hey everyone, I'm thrilled to be back and kicking off the 2024 season of The Woman Angler & Adventurer podcast!
I've been up to some exciting stuff while we've been on break, and I can't wait to share it all with you. From dock diving with my golden doodle Lakelyn in Southwest Florida to catching up with friends at the RV park in Fort Myers, there's been no shortage of adventures. I've also had the privilege of participating in various fishing-related events, including the NPAA conference and a few fun fishing trips, which I'll be spilling the beans on in this episode. And, in an unexpected turn of events, I've made a big decision about the 2024 LBAA season, and I'll be diving into the details of that as well.
Of course, the excitement doesn't stop there! I've lined up some fantastic guests for the upcoming season of the podcast. From interviews with industry experts to discussions on important topics like diversity, equity, and inclusion, and even an inspiring feature on a couple incredible ladies who will be rowing across the Pacific Ocean, the content lineup is nothing short of thrilling.
So gear up for an amazing return, and join me on the 2024 adventure. Be sure to hit that subscribe button, and let's dive into this season together every Tuesday.
I can't wait to share these incredible experiences with you!
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