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The Woman Angler & Adventurer

Tracy English

Tracy English Profile Photo

Commercial Construction Professional

I am a 51 year old divorced mother of two daughters, 23 and 26 years old with a granddaughter who will be one in 2 weeks and another due on April 10th! I lost myself in a 23 year marriage and have now been divorced for the last 5 years on the journey to find myself again!

I've been in the construction industry for 25 years, first working in single-family residential for 7 years, then multi- family for 14 years and finally landing in the commercial setting for the last 4 years.

I discovered my love for fishing about 4 years ago. I have never felt the peace I feel when I'm out fishing. The rest of the world just disappears. Even if I'm out for 8 hours and catch nothing, it's a great day. I still consider myself a newbie to the sport but can't get enough! I have mainly done lake fishing for bass and catfish.

My first deep sea fishing experience was in 2012. I got a hook through my finger and spent the rest of the 6 hours seasick. I swore I'd never go again. Fast forward to 2021, I went to FL with a group of guys from work to try deep sea fishing again. Since I love lake fishing I wanted to give it a shot and it was a free trip! All I caught were three barracuda but I was IN LOVE!! I was fiercely competitive with the guys on the trip. They didn't think I could do it but I showed them!

I went channel fishing in Mt. Pleasant, SC in 2022 and felt a bigger rush catching some great red drum, a stingray, a puffer fish and a few others. I went back to Mt. Pleasant two more times in the last two years. It wasn't deep sea fishing but it was the next best thing.

At the beginning of 2024, I found myself going through a difficult breakup. My coping mechanism? Plan a trip! Let's go big this time!! I found a post from Tracey Tito who runs Fishing Trips with Skip about a trip to Samoa in November. I had time to save the money... so I reached out to her. I wanted more info since I was going to do this solo. We spoke via video chat and she got me pumped up for the trip. I suffer from extreme anxiety and panic disorder. This was WAY outside of my comfort zone. I did a solo trip just after my divorce but it was to AZ; this was clear on the other side of the world!! I was excited but terrified! As the trip grew closer, the more anxious I got. I was traveling 38.5 hours via 4 flights. I had a 16.5 hour layover in Fiji, BY MYSELF! But I made it.... the last leg was just a short flight to Samoa..... to meet 8 strangers all from Australia. Would they like me? Would I like them? My very jealous coworker warned me that the South Pacific was much more harsh than what I had ever experienced. Could I do it? I came equipped with some prescription motion sickness patches. I was GOING TO DO THIS.

From the moment I met Tracey aka Skip, I knew I had a lifelong friend. Over the next few hours I met the rest of the group. Over the next week I had the most AMAZING experiences. The first day of fishing, I caught nothing! I caught them but they were lost.... so, that was a bummer but I still had an amazing time. Day 2, I caught two sharks!! That was AMAZING! The next day, I went snorkeling for the first time with giant clams and the most beautiful fish. I'm not a good swimmer so that was a great moment for me! Day 4 and 5 were the best! I caught barracuda, a yellow fin tuna, a dogtooth tuna, and what I considered my prized mahi mahi. We had her for dinner that same night and WOW, she was delicious. I don't even like to eat fish, but this!! Maybe part of it was that I actually caught it? I don't know.... but it was so empowering. This entire trip changed my life. THIS.... FISHING... this is what I want to do. This is what I love! Now, I just have to figure out how to make it happen!!! I didn't want to leave Samoa.... or the new friends, now like sisters to me. These women who have the same passion that I do. But.... home was calling. My girls, my grand.... I'm now counting the days until the next trip.....I need a marlin!!! I came back a different woman than the one who left. More confident, empowered and happy! I found myself!

Jan. 21, 2025

EP. 342 From Georgia to Samoa: Tracy English's Life-Changing Fishing Adventure

Welcome to Episode 342 of The Woman Angler & Adventurer Podcast! Join me, Angie Scott, as I sit down with the incredible Tracy English, whose journey will inspire and empower you. In this episode, Tracy shares her transformative fishing adventure to Samoa, showcasing how she conquered fears, emb…
Guest: Tracy English